Health and Wellness

With Massage and Exercise, Consistency is Key

As we switch gears from the bleak, cold of winter, to the green, warmth of spring, there is no better time to re-group, re-prioritize, and re-commit to living a healthy and balanced life. Massage can be instrumental in helping you achieve your health goals, but like exercise, it is most effective if done regularly.  I recommend monthly maintenance massage for all clients to help manage stress, maintain mobility, increase energy, and improve sleep. For clients who are very active, training for athletic events, or are working on correcting postural problems, weekly or biweekly (2X/month) visits are ideal.

Regular massage can be a lifesaver for those with conditions such as plantar fascitis, headaches, sciatica, low back pain, rotator cuff injuries, and tendonitits. It is also useful for reducing anxiety and stress, decreasing blood pressure, and improving sleep.

Making massage a part of your regularly-scheduled self-care can play a huge role in maintaining health over the long-term. Budgeting time and money for massage at consistent intervals is truly an investment in your health. And aren't your worth it? (Hint: Of course you are!)